General medicine case -3

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his /her /guardians signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patients problem through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evidence based input.

This e blog also reflects my patients centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

A 60 years old woman ,daily labour by occupation come to our casuality with decreased urine output and shortness of breath  since 10 days.

History of present illness:-

-Patient was asymptomatic 7 years back .

-Patient is suffering from shortness of breath and cough for which she is using medication 

-Patient has facial swelling , shortness of breath 2 months back for which she visited government hospital .

-Patient there came to know that she has kidney problem  for that she was using medication and was refered to our hospital .

-Patient again developed shortness of breath ,pedal edema which is pitting type .

-8 days back patient admitted in our hospital  and prescribed 4 times dialysis which is twice a week.

-Past history :- 

-Patient  was diabetic from 2 months .

-No history of hypertension,asthama,epilepsy.

- Treatment history:-

-Patient undergone surgery for sterilization 25 yrs back  and has history of eye surgery .

-No allergy to known drugs .

-Personal history :- 

-Diet :- mixed 

-Appetite :- normal 

-Bowel and bladder movements :- Normal 

-Addictions :- Patient has alcohol intake and smoking habit since 30 yrs . Patient stopped alcohol intake 2 months back. 

-Family history :-

-No history of similar complaints in family members.

-General Examination:- 

-Patient is conscious ,coherent and cooperative ,well oriented to surroundings.

- Patient is moderately built and nourished .

-No clubbing,pallor,icterus,cyanosis,.                    No Lymadenopathy .

-Patient has pedal edema which is pitting type.


-Temparature :- Afebrile 

-PR :- 90 beats /min 

-RR :- 18 cycles / min 

-BP :- 120 / 80 mm Hg 

-Systemic examination:- 

-CVS :-  Inspection :- 

Chest wall is bilaterally symetrical ,no visible pulsations, engorged veins .

Palpation :- JVP is normal .

Auscultation :- S1,S2 heard , no murmurs .

- Respiratory system:- Bilateral air entry is normal , no dyspnea .

Per abdomen :- Abdomen non tender and soft .

CNS :-  Patient is conscious ,well oriented to surroundings.

Speech is normal .

-Investigations :- 


-Chronic renal failure , uremic encephalopathy.


1) Inj. Piptaz :- 2.25 g IV TID 

2)Inj.Pan :- 40mg IV OD 

3)Inj .Zofer :- 4mg IV TID 

4)Inj. Lasix :- 20mg IV BD 

5)Inj .Nodosis :- 500mg IV TID 

6) Tablet shelcal :- 500mg PO OD 

7)Tablet orofer-xt  PO OD 

 Questions :- 

1) How chronic renal failure causes uremic encephalopathy ? 

2) Is alcohol intake causes encephalopathy ? 


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